Recommended Reading
While there is no substitute for good hard training, that training must be balanced and supported with sound, proven principles. In today’s society where information abounds, the days of adhering to traditions for the sake of tradition and doing because “Sensei says” are disappearing. While some still prescribe to aesthetic standards, others have adopted a training philosophy of “Form Follows Function”. The following list not only represents the academic base of our dojo teachings but that of 1000s across the US and Canada that have successfully applied our unique methodology of Martial Science to their personal and dojo trainings for more than 30 years.
General Health & Exercise
Stretching / Bob Thomas
An easy read with everyday explanations.
Sports Medicine / Gabe Mirikin, M.D & Marshall Hoffman
A great introduction into the world of exercise and sports medicine. The book is written for the everyday person.
Okinawa Goju-Ryu Kenshi-Kai
Classical Okinawan Goju-ryu Karate-jutsu
Written by Dr. Tetsuhiro Hokama, President, Okinawa Goju-Ryu Kenshi-Kai Karatedo Kobudo Association, and curator and founder of the first museum dedicated to the history and preservation of Okinawan Karate and Kobudo.
Advanced Martial Studies
Gray’s Anatomy
A must have resource to assist with basic and advanced general anatomy and physiology. An indispensable resource for more advanced technical readings.
Anatomy Chains / Myers Thomas
A look into the next level of understanding of kinesiology and kinesthesia, the roots of "Body Mapping"...
Do It Yourself Shiatsu / Wataru Ohashi
This book provides simplified charting of the acupoints on their associated meridians with basic level description of each point.
Acupuncture: The Ancient Chinese Art of Healing & How It Works Scientifically / Felix Mann, MB
Written for both the layman and the medical profession, Dr. Mann describes in detail how acupuncture works from a scientific point of view, explaining the neurophysiological mechanism involved as well as the basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).
Fundamentals of Chinese Acupuncture / Ellis, Wiseman & Boss
Easily the most essential and read over-and-over again resource in my personal library. As the student progresses in their understanding and application, this single book will open differently over the years
Between Heaven & Earth / Harriet Bainfeld, L.Ac. & Efrem Korngold, L.Ac., OMD
A comprehensive text that explains the philosophy behind Chinese medicine, specifically acupuncture and herbal medicine, how it works and what it can do.
Roots of Chinese Chi Kung / Yang Jwing Ming Ph.D.
Another foundational reading for years to come. This text delivers easy to read explanations on the energetic flows of the body overall, meridians and associated acupoints.
Life Force, The Scientific Basis: Breakthrough Physics of Energy Medicine, Healing, Chi and Quantum Consciousness / Claude Swanson, Ph.D.
Over 50 years of combined research by physicists, medical professionals, 1000’s of scientific case studies triggered by Nixon’s visit to China in 1971. Time to break out the Gray’s Anatomy and a medical dictionary for reference.