Martial Arts Programs
We are now accepting new students for our New Year's Enrollment in both our programs.
Class space is limited and will close once the available open spots are filled!
Call NOW to reserve your place in class - 832-865-0763 or email us using the Contact Us form
Almost all martial arts studios offer some form of low cost, special introductory classes, and many times with a "free" uniform. These private or semi-private classes serve as 'sales sessions', taught by specially trained staff, all with the intent to steer you into making a decision they prepped you to make. How can we make such a claim?
For several years, Shihan McMains was a "salaried" instructor and the commercial program director for such a school. Rather than teaching and sharing what he had learned over decades of "hand on" training, he and all the other instructors were required to strictly teach, without deviation, from a purposely designed playbook. His worth to the business was based more on the amount of weekly sales he could produce over his worth as an experienced martial artist. Ultimately he made the choice to follow his conscience. This decision led to the birth of our dojo.
At the , our commitment is to you. If you decide to join our class it's because you see the value in our program. We know we are not a fit for everyone. But if our brand of martial arts fits your needs, then we invite you to visit our dojo and participate in an open class, free of charge, with no strings attached.
Against the Grain

While other martial arts schools will not discuss their tuition information, membership fees, and other costs until you have first taken a tour of their facility, paid for an introductory class and sat through their sales presentation, we break that mold. This is not to say these commercial practices are bad. We simply believe you should have direct answers to your questions at the earliest opportunity.
True Benefits
Most martial arts classes are primarily taught by staff instructors with limited experience rather than by very senior Black Belts. And more rarely do the beginning and intermediate students get taught by the dojo Shihan level instructor. This is not the case at the Okinawa Karate Center UnchinaaDiKan dojo where every class is taught and overseen directly by Shihan McMains.
While the class instruction will focus on each level of student, beginning and advanced students train alongside one another. This cooperative training provides the the beginner student with an insight into future trainings while confirming the respect for the foundational basics in the more advanced student.
Since we limit class size, we can provide each student with a level of one-on-one attention not available in larger commercial studios. This one-on-one attention improves the student's confidence to practice. The more the student improves from practicing outside the dojo, the more the instructor can share in class. This is especially important with children as it directly affects their sense of self-worth and self-discipline.
Visit our Benefits page to learn more about your program.
The Okinawa Karate Center UchinaaDiKan offers two distinct accredited Black Belt programs:
KenShiKai Okinawan GoJu Ryu Karatejutsu and Yamanni Chinen Ryu Kobujutsu.
Click on the links below for more information on each system, class schedule, training fees and more